Legal notice

This website is published by
Franziskusschule Wilhelmshaven,
Ludgerus-Schule Vechta,
Marienschule Cloppenburg,
Paulus-Schule Oldenburg,
Cäcilienschule Wilhelmshaven,
Liebfrauenschule Cloppenburg,
Liebfrauenschule Oldenburg,
Liebfrauenschule Vechta and
the St. Benedikt School Foundation.

The copyright for all photos resides with the publishers or with

Direct responsibility for the content:
Herr Uwe Kathmann
Schulstiftung St. Benedikt
Kolpingstraße 20
49377 Vechta

The St. Benedikt School Foundation (Schulstiftung St. Benedikt) is a legally
registered foundation (Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts).
The individual schools are part of the foundation.


The content distributed on this website is subject to the copyright of the publishers. Distribution is only permitted with the written authorisation of the owner. This also applies to inclusion in electronic databases and reproduction on other data carriers. The only exception is the downloading of a single copy of the material onto a single computer for private use or for use in church work – and even this only on condition that the copyrights and other rights are not infringed and the copyright designations are not affected. Private and ecclesiastical use is at the user’s own risk. This also applies to consequential damages that may arise from the use of the service or its unavailability.

Exclusion of liability

Liability for content and programmes distributed on this website and for damages resulting from inaccurate information or faulty programmes is excluded, unless such damages were caused intentionally or through gross negligence by the operators of the parish or their employees. The St Benedikt School Foundation accepts no liability for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information provided on this website. Under no circumstances will liability be accepted for damages resulting from the use or non-use of this website.

Notes on links

Our website contains links to other websites. The factual claims and opinions expressed on the linked pages are the sole responsibility of the respective authors and do not reflect our opinion.